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Giachini’s Coat of arms / Stemma dei Giachini

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The Giachini‘s coat of arms [1] is carved on the baptismal font made by Bernardo Rossellino (1409-1464), and it’s exposed in the nearby Sant’Andrew’s Propositura.
This white marble sculpture was made in 1447 and it was commissioned by Giachini family, perhaps especially from priest Antonio son of Giovanni Giachini.

This family had roots in the land of Empoli, and it obtained Florentine citizenship in 1591, and sometimes their surnames was called or remembered as «Giacchini» or  «del Becco»; this last surname should be juxtaposed to «Giachini» between 1604 and 1609 through some special resolutions. In 1666, Andrea Sandonnini added the surname «Giachini» to his.
Per decreto del 1666, Andrea Sandonnini assunse il cognome «Giachini». To be admitted to the nobility of San Miniato in 1763, the family referred as «Sandonnini Giachini del Becco“.

Stemma Giachini
Coat of arms of Giachini on baptismal made by Bernardo Rossellino

The same Giachini’s coat of arms
carved on a lintel sandstone in the cloister of Propositura:

Stemma dei Giachini

↖ INDEX COAT OF ARMS LOCATED in Sant’Andrew’s Propositura

Description Heraldry: 
The salient silver goat, accompanied by growing three of the same color, located one above, uprightand two willing sides[2]

cloister of the Sant’Andrew’s Propositura in Empoli (first in top), Sant’Andrew’s Collegiata Museum (second in bottom)

Conditions: good, there are some slight signs of wear;

Tipology: stone and white marble sculptures;

Annotations: none;

Notes and references:
[1] State Archive in Florence, catalog Ceramelli Papiani, Giachini, number 2329;
[2] Ibidem

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